Through the Looking Glass
Timewalker 16
Timewalker 17
Timewalker 18
Timewalker 19
Timewalker 20
Timewalker 21
Timewalker 22
Timewalker 23
Timewalker 24
Timewalker 25
In which Ivar finds himself stranded in a hellish reality of his own making.
Ivar The Timewalker
Written by Michael Sacal
Ivar, the Timewalker, has experienced the passage of thousands of years, just like his immortal brothers, Gilad and Aram. Unlike them, or anyone else, Ivar has spent his years skipping around from one point in history to the next. Able to find natural "time-arcs" that carry him from era to era, Ivar might be able to be in the present one week and 41st Century North Am the next. This gets to be tricky for Ivar, however ... he has to be careful not to do anything that will upset the flow and forever change history! 
Rogue T.I.M.E. Vaulter
 X-O Manowar
 Archer & Armstrong
Solar Man of The Atom
Eternal Warrior
Magnus Robot Fighter
In which Ivar has to pursue a dangerous man through different realities.
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